Learn Everything About Giant Pandas in the Wild

How many wild pandas are left in the wild?

By the year of 2013, the total number of wild pandas is only 1864. Although giant panda has been taken off the list of endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2016, status changed to “Vulnerable”, they are still in critical status because of their low birth rate and survival rate.

Are wild pandas dangerous?

Pandas are solitary, they tend to stay in their own territoty for a life and will avoid conflict with others, so they are not dangerously attacking animals. However, we need to remember, they are still large carnivores and will fight back to any threats, especially mother pandas in nursing period, they could be quite dangerous to protect their babies. Their habitats should be respected and left intact.

How long do pandas live in the wild?

The life span of giant pandas in the wild is approximately 20 years. Giant pandas all live alone in the own territory of around 2.5 to 4 square miles (10 million m2) for each. Female and male pandas only meet in mating season (March to May); once the mission is completed, male pandas will be chased away, and female pandas raise the cubs by themselves.

Where do the wild pandas live?

Nowadays, pandas are only found living in the west mountainous region in China, so giant pandas are also considered as “National Treasure” by the people of China. All the giant pandas in other countries are on a sojourn abroad.

Million years ago, giant pandas once lived in a wider area of Asia, including China, Vietnam, and Myanmar. But due to human development and farming activities, their living land has been gradually reduced and scattered. To ensure a better protected life for giant panda in the wild, China has established many natural reserves in west region. There are also panda centers where more than 400 pandas are kept in captivity so that scientists can help preserve variety of panda groups and raise the cubs.

What do pandas eat in the wild?

Giant pandas are carnivore, but their main food is actually bamboo, which counts 90% of their diet. They spend more than ten hours eating bamboo. That’s why their habitats mainly are mountainous regions where bamboo trees flourish. Pandas in the wild will also eat some rodents.

Unlike other bears, giant pandas do not hibernate, so they move to lower altitudes with warmer temperature in winter.

Are red pandas living together with giant pandas?

Red pandas and giant pandas are from totally different families, red pandas Ailuridae (raccoon) while giant pandas Ursidae (bear). But as a companion animal of giant pandas who share similar habitats and eating habits, red pandas are close friends with giant pandas. In Wolong panda reserves and panda center, giant pandas and red pandas can be found happily live together.
